
Assistant professor of private law at the Dirpolis Institute, and adjunct professor in private law at the University of Pisa, his research ranges from private law (contracts, torts and the law of obligations) to technology regulation (robotics and AI), and bioethics, with a comparative and law and economics approach. Since 2015, he is the coordinator of a SIR national project ‘RELIABLE’, of a Jean Monnet Module ‘Europe Regulates Robotics’, and since 2017 scientific coordinator for the WP on ‘Liability and Risk Management’ in robotic applications (Horizon 2020 project INBOTS). On such matters, he is often heard by policy makers and international organizations, including the European Parliament and Commission, the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and the World Economic Forum. Dr Bertolini holds undergraduate degrees in law from SSSA and the University of Pisa, a Ph.D in private law from SSSA, as well as a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Yale Law School. He is an attorney licensed to practice in Italy and New York.


  • Contract law and law of obligations
  • Law and economics of contracts and liability rules
  • Product liability and product safety
  • Robolaw: law and robotics (and AI)
  • Bioethics, Roboethics, Machine ethics


  • Il postcontratto, forthcoming 2018 (monograph)
  • Insurance and Risk Management for Robotic Devices, in Global Jourist, 2016, 1-24
  • Palmerini – Bertolini, Liability and Risk Management in Robotics, in Digital Revolution. Challenges for Contract Law in Practice, Hart Publishing, 2016, 225-260
  • Robotic Prostheses as Products Enhancing the Rights of People with Disabilities. Reconsidering the Structure of Liability Rules, in Law Computers and Technology, 2015, 29:2-3, 116-136
  • Liability for the Acts of Robots: Justifying a Change in Perspective, in The Robolaw Series, Pisa University Press, 2014, 143-167
  • Robots as Products: The Case for a Realistic Analysis of Robotic Applications and Liability Rules, in Law Innovation and Technology, 5(2), 2013, 214-247

Corsi Seguiti

  • Private law (contracts, torts, property and law of obligations)
  • Bioethics, Machine Ethics, Roboethics
  • The law and economics of technological innovation: the case of robotics
  • Product liability in a comparative perspective
  • Postcontractual obligations and liability





Jean Monnet Module – Europe Regulates Robotics