Pursuing the tradition initiated by Prof. Francesco Donato Busnelli – emeritus of Private Law and first Rector of Sant’Anna – further, Prof. Natalino Irti, will give two lectures on November 28th and 29th (Aula 3 Main Campus).
Professor Irti, one of the leading private law scholars and contemporary intellectual, emeritus at Università la Sapienza di Roma, Accademico dei Lincei, and President of the Istituto Italiano di Studi Storici, will deliver one lecture – Tuesday 28th (4:00-6:00 pm) – on “Il diritto come tecnica dell’artificialità”, and one – on Wednesday 29th (10:00 – 12:00 am) – on “Diritto e tecnica (il dialogo con Emanuele Severino e Luigi Mengoni)”.
The events represent a unique opportunity for the students and faculty of the Scuola, as well as the public who will attend the open event, to interact with one of the leading legal academics of our times, who profoundly influenced and shaped the debate over the past decades, on a wide variety of matters, ranging from contract law and the law of obligations, to methodology and general theory of law.