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A discussion group on the theoretical implication of globalization for law and legal scholarship, starting from the reading of some leading texts in this field.
The ranking list of the admitted PhD students has been published.
Sant’Anna School law postgraduate students selected to attend 9th course “Giuliano Vassalli” for criminal justice, penal procedure and emerging technologies impact on law and policy
EUI – SSSA Joint Workshop
Centre of Excellence on the Regulation of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
PhD Conference Series
Sinead Moloney, Editorial Director of Hart Publishing presents the key steps to get published
The Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module International Conference “Europe Regulates Robotics” is getting ready! Learn more on the Event page
Join us for the inaugural event of the PHD a.y. 2018/19!
Here are the PhD students whose successful papers have been selected for the Annual EUI/SSSA PhD Workshop in Legal Studies! – Imad Ibrahim – Gabriel Encinas – Krystyna Bakhtina – Asress Adimi Gikay…