On the 10th and 11th of April, Professor Ettore Dezza, University of Pavia will be giving two seminars: “La metodologia storica al servizio del penalista: il caso della prova legale e il ruolo del giudice penale” on the 10th, 4:45-6:45 pm, and “Vicende della parte generale del diritto penale” on the 11th, 9-11 am. Seminars will be given in Italian.
Ettore Dezza is Full Professor of History of Italian Law at the University of Pavia. From 2012 to 2018 he has been Director of the Department of Law at his University. His main research interests deal with history of criminal law and criminal procedure; legal culture at the Age of the Enlightenment; tribunals during the Ancien Régime; legal thought of the Sixteenth century; legal professions in criminal law between the XVIII and the XX century.
Among his main publications:
For further information about the event, read the leaflet on the right.