We are pleased to invite you to the ‘Sant’Anna-style’ Oxford Debate, second edition, which will occur on Wednesday, October 23rd (14.30-17) in Aula Magna, Sede Centrale (Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33).
Our academic community will debate over art restitution.
Here are the rules of the event: please consider them carefully!
- Soon after entering Aula Magna, you will cast a secret vote (either pro or contra) on the research question posed by the debate.
- Two of our fellow Ph.D. students will then present opposing arguments, one in favor of art restitution and one against.
- Then, we will open the floor to anyone to make remarks, share their views, ask questions, and dive deeper into the topic.
- Finally, we will ask you to cast another vote to see whether the audience’s opinion has shifted as a result of the debate.
For more info, download the attached flyer!