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EURA is proud to announce the 2nd edition of its annual conference, “Regulating UncertAInty” taking place on April 8 and 9, 2021! Internationally-renowned scholars will participate in the conference discussing…
Il link per accedere al seminario è il seguente:
You are invited to participate in the call for the new edition of “Ceci n’est pas un paper”. -The abstract: send your abstract! The deadline is the 14th of February, 2021. Please do not exceed…
The link to access to the even is the following:
Il seminario si propone di offrire un’analisi a “prima lettura” del d.l. 21 ottobre 2020, n. 130, alla luce dei lavori parlamentari relativi alla sua conversione in legge.
The CIR team is delighted to announce a forthcoming webinar on ‘Inter-legality and Surveillance‘, which will take place on Friday, the 20th of November, from 16.00 to 18.00, via Webex. The…
The event represents the opportunity to welcome the new Phd Students and to introduce our Phd in Law Program.
A un anno dalla scomparsa del Professore Paolo Carrozza, avvenuta il 10 settembre 2019, il Dottorato in Scienze giuridiche dell’Università di Pisa e il PhD in Diritto della Scuola Sant’Anna promuovono un…