

Doctor in Law (J.S.D.), University of Barcelona, 1997. Master of Laws (LLM), Columbia University Law School, New York, 1993.  Law Degree (J.D.), University of Barcelona, 1988. Visiting Scholar at Columbia University Law School (Fulbright Scholar), New York, 2000-2001. Honorarvertrag at Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich, 2008. Tutor of IP courses for the WIPO Academy (since 2000). Member of the European Copyright Society (ECS) and the ALAI – currently, vicepresident of the ALAI Spanish Group ALADDA.


She has extensively taught and written in the fields of Intellectual Property, Private International Law and Internet Law. Since 1997, she has been working at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) where she was Director of its Law Degree (Feb.2002 – Sept.2007) and Adjunct Director to the Vicerectorate of Academic Affairs and Faculty (Nov.2008 – Sept.2013).